Rivers in the EU are saturated with hydropower, leaving only 40% in good ecological condition. Migratory fish populations have declined by 93% in Europe since the 1970s. Nevertheless over 5500 new hydropower projects are planned to clog our last intact river stretches for a negligible energy yield. 150 NGOs are now calling on the EU institutions to end public financing for new hydropower projects in Europe.
++ NGOs submit a complaint to the Bern Convention against Bosnia and Herzegovina for permitting dam-building on the pristine upper Neretva ++ A related complaint was submitted to the Energy Community Secretariat in August for failure to protect the pristine upper stretches of the river Neretva from eight planned hydropower projects. ++
In Kosovo, Kelag had to take the three hydropower plants Deçani, Belaja, Lumbardhi II, operated by its subsidiary KELKOS, from the grid! All three plants are located inside a national park. Kelag put these power plants in operation years ago. However, since they still failed to fulfilled the environmental requirements for construction and operation despite numerous requests, they had to take the three power plants off the grid at 00:00 the night before yesterday.