Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the 2nd edition of the European Rivers Summit, held in Lisbon, has been postponed and will be held will from November 18th-20th, 2021. Thanks to the extremely high vaccination rate in Portugal, chances that the summit can be carried out this time are very high.
REGISTER NOW and join activists and specialists to share knowledge, cerate a network and talk about Rivers protection, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world.
Climate Change Impact on Freshwater, Perverse Public Subsidies on Electric Production, River Protection and Restoration Measures, Dams Removal and Environmental Justice are some of the topics that will be addressed. Follow the Summit website to get all further updates on the European Rivers Summit (ERS) Lisbon 2021. Find the program HERE
The 2021 Summit is organized by GEOTA. If you have any questions, please contact info@riverssummit.org or +351 213 956 120!
To learn what happened at the first European Rivers Summit in Sarajevo 2018 follow this link.